1. Overview
This tutorial is for Matlab users who want to access OPeNDAP data services. In the tutorial we will use Matlab’s built-in OPeNDAP client to access data from either a server we run just for this purpose or from a server NASA runs as part of its effort to move data into a cloud computing environment.
This tutorial assumes that the reader has a basic grasp of Matlab commands and programming. It also assumes that the reader has a basic grasp of the Matlab netCDF interface.
The NASA data in this document will require that the user configure their client applications to authenticate with the NASA Earthdata Login service. Since the authentication setup is similar for many clients, we have covered it in a separate document
The examples are written as Matlab commands. As much as possible, the examples can be copied from the tutorial and run in the Matlab command window.
1.1. Matlab netCDF C details
The Matlab netCDF interface provides a way to read data from both netCDF files on you computer and from remote OPeNDAP servers. The Matlab netCDF interface has two parts: the netCDF C library and the Matlab interface to the netCDF C library. The latter, the Matlab interface to the library is a set of Matlab functions that call the C library and are documented in the Matlab help system. These functions are somewhat easier to use that the netCDF library interface itself, but they are not as flexible as the C library.
In this tutorial we will use both the Matlab netCDF interface and the netCDF library calls.
1.1.1. Environment
You will need Matlab 2020a or later to run the examples in this tutorial.
1.2. The Data
In these examples will use GHRSST Level 3 Sea Surface Temperature data. The URL to the data is given below and in the tutorial. In fact, there are two different URLs to the same data. The first is a URL to a file on a server we run just for tutorial data and testing while the second is a URL to a file on a NASA server running in NASA’s Cloud Computing Environment. Both of the URLs use the dap4:// URL prefix to indicate that the netCDF software should use the DAP4 protocol to access the data. The URL to the OPeNDAP test server can be used without authentication. To use the URL to the NASA Cloud server, you will need to have an Earthdata Login (EDL) account and have configured your client applications to authenticate with EDL.
- GHRSST Sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature data, no authentication needed
- GHRSST Sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature data, NASA Cloud, authentication required
2. Getting Started
First, start Matlab and make sure the dataset is accessible. If you encounter problems at this step, try using the URL in a browser. You will need to replace the dap4::// URL prefix with http:// to make the URL work in a browser.
When the netcdf.open
function is called, the Matlab netCDF interface will attempt to
'open' the remote dataset. If that works, you will be about to use the netcdf.inq
along with the netCDF ID returned by netcdf.open
to get information about the dataset.
These function calls are examples of using the netCDF C library interface to get information.
We do that here and see that this dataset holds 19 variables.
>> ghrsst = 'dap4://test.opendap.org/opendap/hyrax/tutorials/20220812010000-OSISAF-L3C_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-GOES16-ssteqc_goes16_20220812_010000-v02.0-fv01.0.nc'
>> ncid = netcdf.open(ghrsst);
>> [numdims,numvars,numglobalatts,unlimdimid] = netcdf.inq(ncid);
>> numvars
numvars =
The ncinfo() function can also be used to retrieve information about
the remote dataset. The ncinfo()
function is a Matlab function that provides
a convenient way to access information about a remote dataset. It is a wrapper
to the netCDF library calls used in the previous example.
% Use the ncinfo function to retrieve information about the remote netCDF file
>> ncinfo_result = ncinfo(ghrsst);
In this case, the ncinfo()
function retrieves information about the
remote netCDF file located at the specified URL and stores it in the
structure. Information about the Dimensions, Variables,
and Global Attributes can all be accessed from the object returned by
. This same information can also be accessed using the ncid
returned by netcdf.open()
, but ncinfo()
packages the result conveniently.
ncinfo_result = struct with fields: Filename: 'dap4://test.opendap.org/opendap/hyrax/tutorials/20220812010000-OSISAF-L3C_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-GOES16-ssteqc_goes16_20220812_010000-v02.0-fv01.0.nc' Name: '/' Dimensions: [1×3 struct] Variables: [1×19 struct] Attributes: [] Groups: [] Format: 'netcdf4' Datatypes: []
2.1. Getting more detailed information about the dataset
To see all the values of the fields of an attribute struct, you can
loop over the attributes and display their names and values using the
Matlab disp()
function. Here’s an example:
% Extract the global attributes from the ncinfo result
>> global_atts = ncinfo_result.Attributes;
% Loop over the attributes and display their names and values
>> disp('Global attributes:')
>> for i = 1:length(global_atts)
att_name = global_atts(i).Name;
att_val = global_atts(i).Value;
disp([att_name, ': ', att_val])
In this case, we first extract the global attributes from the
Attributes field of the ncinfo_result
structure. We then loop over the
attributes using a for loop, and for each attribute, we extract its
name and value using the Name and Value fields of the attribute
struct. We then display the attribute name and value using the disp
function. This will display all the global attributes and their
Global attributes: Conventions: CF-1.4 title: Sea Surface Temperature summary: The L3C product derived from GOES16/ABI brightness temperatures. references: Geostationary Sea Surface Temperature Product User Manual, http://www.osi-saf.org institution: OSISAF comment: license: All intellectual property rights of the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products belong to EUMETSAT. The use of these products is granted to every user, free of charge. If users wish to use these products, EUMETSAT's copyright credit must be shown by displaying the words 'Copyright EUMETSAT' under each of the products shown. EUMETSAT offers no warranty and accepts no liability in respect of the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products. EUMETSAT neither commits to nor guarantees the continuity, availability, or quality or suitability for any purpose of, the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products. id: GOES16-OSISAF-L3C-v1.0 product_id: OSI-207-b naming_authority: org.ghrsst product_version: 1.0 gds_version_id: 2.0 file_quality_level: spatial_resolution: 0.05 degree northernmost_latitude: < southernmost_latitude: easternmost_longitude: westernmost_longitude: source: GOES_ABI platform: GOES16 sensor: GOES_ABI Metadata_Conventions: Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 metadata_link: N/A keywords: Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords standard_name_vocabulary: NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north geospatial_lat_resolution: geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east geospatial_lon_resolution: acknowledgment: In case SAF data (pre-operational or operational) has been used for the study described in a paper the following sentence would be an appropriate reference to the funding coming from EUMETSAT: The data from the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ocean & Sea Ice used in this study are accessible through the SAF's homepage http://www.osi-saf.org creator_name: O&SI SAF creator_email: osi-saf.helpdesk@meteo.fr creator_url: http://www.osi-saf.org project: Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature publisher_name: The GHRSST Project Office publisher_url: http://www.ghrsst.org publisher_email: ghrsst-po@nceo.ac.uk processing_level: L3C cdm_data_type: grid history: METEO-FRANCE GEOSAFO v1.1.8 uuid: DF556788-19E1-11ED-A08A-48DF370DAD10 date_created: 20220812T015542Z start_time: 20220812T004042Z time_coverage_start: 20220812T004042Z stop_time: 20220812T011929Z time_coverage_end: 20220812T011929Z netcdf_version_id: 4.6.3 DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension: time
We would like to look at the names of the variables in this dataset so that we can use netcdf command to read the data values into Matlab.
To display the name, size, and dimensions of each variable in a
netCDF file, you can loop over the variables in the Variables field of
the ncinfo_result structure and display their names, sizes, and
dimensions using the disp()
function. Here’s an example:
% Loop over the variables and display their names and sizes
>> disp('Variables:')
>> for i = 1:length(ncinfo_result.Variables)
var_name = ncinfo_result.Variables(i).Name;
var_size = ncinfo_result.Variables(i).Size;
var_dims = ncinfo_result.Variables(i).Dimensions;
disp([var_name, ': ', mat2str(var_size), ' (', strjoin({var_dims.Name}, ', '), ')'])
We loop over the variables using a for loop, and for each variable, we
extract its name and size using the Name and Size fields of the
variable struct. We then display the variable name and size using the
function. The mat2str()
function is used to convert the variable
size from a numeric array to a string for display, and the strjoin()
function is used to concatenate the dimension names into a
comma-separated string. This will display the names, sizes, and
dimensions of all the variables in the netCDF file. This will display
the names and sizes of all the variables in the netCDF file.
Variables: time: 1 (time) lat: 2400 (lat) lon: 2400 (lon) sea_surface_temperature: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) sst_dtime: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) sses_bias: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) sses_standard_deviation: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) dt_analysis: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) wind_speed: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) sea_ice_fraction: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) aerosol_dynamic_indicator: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) adi_dtime_from_sst: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) sources_of_adi: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) l2p_flags: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) quality_level: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) satellite_zenith_angle: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) solar_zenith_angle: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) or_latitude: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time) or_longitude: [2400 2400 1] (lon, lat, time)
2.2. Get a quick look at the data
We might want to get a quick look at the 'sea_surface_temperature' array before going further, so let’s do that. This will be far from 'publication ready,' but given that the array is quite large, it will give us a look at the data.
>> sst_varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, 'sea_surface_temperature');
>> sst_data = netcdf.getVar(ncid, sst_varid);
>> imagesc(sst_data);
>> colormap(hot);
This shows a plot in a popup window. It’s pretty rough, but we can manipulate the data later.

3. Using the data
To plot the data in a more publication-ready way, we will need to get the vectors that hold the Latitude and Longitude coordinate information for the Sea Surface Temperature data.
To read the data values for the 'lat' and 'lon' variables, we can first ask for their variable IDs and then use those to read the values.
>> % Get the IDs of the lat and lon variables
lat_varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, 'lat');
lon_varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, 'lon');
% Read the data for the lat and lon variables
lat_data = netcdf.getVar(ncid, lat_varid);
lon_data = netcdf.getVar(ncid, lon_varid);
3.1. Data wrangling
In many cases, data stored in files are not quite in teh form needed for actual use
in a toll like Matlab. Transforming the values so they are ready for analysis is
often called 'data wrangling'. We will need to do some data wrangling because the
data in sst_data
are neither scaled nor are the missing data values replaced with NaN.
To find out how to transform the data, let’s look at the attributes of the dataset and see if there is any information there that will help us.
To get the attributes of a specific variable we can use the ncinfo()
function as follows:
% Get the variable's attributes
>> varinfo = ncinfo(ghrsst, 'sea_surface_temperature');
>> varinfo
The information returned is:
varinfo = struct with fields: Filename: 'dap4://test.opendap.org/opendap/hyrax/tutorials/20220812010000-OSISAF-L3C_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-GOES16-ssteqc_goes16_20220812_010000-v02.0-fv01.0.nc' Name: 'sea_surface_temperature' Dimensions: [1×3 struct] Size: [2400 2400 1] Datatype: 'int16' Attributes: [1×12 struct] ChunkSize: [] FillValue: 'disable' DeflateLevel: [] Shuffle: 0 Format: 'netcdf4'
As before with the dataset’s global attributes, loop over the
attributes and display their names and values. This version of the loop
is slightly more complex because some attributes are strings and
some are numeric. The ischar()
function is used along with fprintf()
to display the values correctly (note that in the format string used with
, the %g format specifier is used to display numeric values, e.g.).
>> disp('sea_surface_temperature attributes:')
>> for i = 1:length(varinfo.Attributes)
attr = varinfo.Attributes(i);
name = attr.Name;
value = attr.Value;
if ischar(value)
fprintf('%s = ''%s''\n', name, value);
fprintf('%s = %g\n', name, value);
The output shows the numerical values correctly:
_FillValue = -32768 long_name = NaN standard_name = NaN units = NaN add_offset = 273.15 scale_factor = 0.01 valid_min = -300 valid_max = 4500 depth = NaN source = NaN comment = NaN _edu.ucar.maps = NaN /lat = NaN
The variable attributes _FillValue, add_offset, and scale_factor indicate how the values will need to be modified to get the correct values.
% Get the scale factor and add offset
scale_factor = varinfo.Attributes(strcmp({varinfo.Attributes.Name},'scale_factor')).Value;
add_offset = varinfo.Attributes(strcmp({varinfo.Attributes.Name},'add_offset')).Value;
% Get the fill value
fill_value =
Before we go further, lets look at those values:
scale_factor =
>> add_offset
add_offset =
>> fill_value
fill_value =
>> sst_data(1:150:2400, 1:150:2400)
ans =
16×16 int16 matrix
The sst_data
array in an Int16 array, but we would like an array of
double values. Once we have that, we can replace the fill_value cells
with NaN and scale the data.
% Convert to double
>> data = double(sst_data);
% Set fill values to NaN
>> fv_mask = data == fill_value;
>> data(fv_mask) = NaN;
% Look at a sub-sample of the values
>> data(1:150:2400, 1:150:2400)
ans =
16×16 double matrix
>> data = data * scale_factor + add_offset;
>> data(1:150:2400, 1:150:2400)
ans =
299.2100 297.1900 NaN NaN 296.9300 NaN
NaN 299.4000 297.0700 NaN NaN NaN 294.8500
3.2. Plotting
The data values are rotated 90 degrees (because netCDF uses C notion of row-major order but Matlab uses column-major order).
% Use the apostrophe (') operator to transpose the data
>> data_t = data';
The data store negative latitude at the top and positive at the bottom - we need those flipped for a north-up plot.
>> imagesc(lon_mesh(1,:), flip(lat_mesh(:,1)), data_t);
However, that leaves the Y-axis labels still inverted; use this 'set' command to flip tha Y-axis labels.
>> set(gca,'YTickLabel',flip(get(gca,'YTickLabel')));
% Add x and y axis labels
>> xlabel('Longitude');
>> ylabel('Latitude');
Set the range of the color bar and the colormap
>> caxis([270, 310]);
% Try out various color maps
>> colormap(hot);
>> colormap(cool);
>> colormap(parula);
>> colorbar;
Here’s the plot. It lacks a coastline because we want to show access without requiring any of the optional Matlab packages that provide coastlines. However, the North and South American continents are clearly visible. It is possible to download the coastlines and plot them, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
