
The reference documentation for libdap4

The reference manual for libdap4 is built using the doxygen comments embedded in the code.

Goto the reference guide

The gh-pages branch setup

In a new repository, make a branch named gh-pages that is an orphan. This creates a branch that does not share its history with other branches so that the commit messages don’t leak over into the messages for the master branch.

In the master branch:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages

Change to that directory and remove all of the files. This can take some work but git rm -rf * is probably what you want. Once that’s done, commit those changes.

git rm -rf *
git commit -m "Removed non-documetation files"

Now hack the .gitignore file so that the directory where the docs are built (html for doxygen by default) is not on the list of stuff to ignore. Make this edit to the version of .gitignore that is on the gh-pages branch, not the version in master. Commit and push.

Add a file that includes a link to the generated documentation’s index.html file. Since doxygen will be writing to the html directory, this will be…<project>/html/

By adding a at the top level, people can find the documention using a slightly shorter URL:<project>/
